New Zealand, 12 years later !

July 2005, I was getting ready for what was going to be the best experience of my life : a full year in a host family in New Zealand. Today, 12 years later, my head is spinning from all the memories. I'm getting ready for another experience in the same country ! The goals are very different though. At 17 years old, my goals were to get away from my parents and to learn English (I might need to learn English again haha). This time, I'm going to attend Kim's wedding (my host sister) and to race Ironman New Zealand. Since it's very hard to train for Ironman during Winter in Quebec, I chose to go back to Cambridge, with my host family, 6 weeks before the Ironman to do a proper training camp. I can't believe it ! Anyway, I'm writing this short post today to tell you that if you want to follow my adventure, just follow this blog or my social media (Instagram, Facebook). I'll have plenty of time to keep you updated between workouts. I leave Monday ! Her...