Road to Ironman Mont-Tremblant

10 days until the big day  

After a horrible start to this year triathlon season, here is my last chance to prove, to you and mostly myself, that I can compete among the bests. The mission isn't easy because I will have to do so during an Ironman, which is a distance I haven't done yet. However, I've always been convinced and I am today more than ever that it is MY race.

After St-Andrews half-Ironman, I thought about giving up.  I told myself : " How can I complete an Ironman if I can't even complete a half-Ironman in a decent time for a professionnel athlete ? ". Then, I read an article on Triathlon Magazine written by some coach I don't remember saying that we can build endurance for an Ironman in only 4 to 6 weeks prior to the event. Confidence came back. Even if you now tell me the article isn't that much right, I don't care, it gave me what I needed to face Ironman.

Since the end of the school year, I'm training full time. I've been living the past 6 weeks like a professional athlete : sleep, eat, train, nap, train, eat.

In term of training hours, it could have been done while working, but the rest I get is priceless. Between training, I can rest. After each training, I can eat a whole meal instead of commercial bars on the road. I don't have to wake at 5am to swim neither do I have to run at 7pm. I train from 8 to 5. Then, just like "normal" people, I can go out at night like to the Festival d'été de Québec, which is very important to keep myself motivated.

Three key workouts 

My first 180km bike ride : Starting from Lac-Delage going to Saguenay. It's all uphill the first half and downhill the second. We were three : Steven, Helen and I. Steven rode only the first 60km with us. We talked. Then, for the last 120km, I went in front, lying on the aerobars, focusing. We ended up doing 178km with an average of 33.5km/h. Mission completed.

My longest run : 32km negative split. With Martine riding beside me, only the last 5km were harder. For the first half, the average was 4:45/km and for the second, 4:40/km. Around kilometer 30, I told Martine : "It's so mentally tough, it's insane". A keeper.

My hardest run workout :  4km easy + 5km i4 + 1km easy + 4km i4 + 1km easy + 3km i4 + 1km easy + 2km i2. My coach made it clear that my intervals had to be between 3:55/km and 4:05/km. This workout was done the day after a hard 180km ride with Pierre-Marc Doyon and at the end of a day in which I had a swim workout and a 60km ride. Best of all, Martine came, again, riding next to me. The result :

5km : 4:04/3:55/3:52/3:57/3:55
4km :3:57/3:53/4:05/3:53
3km : 4:22/3:57/3:59


The taper

Ten days prior to the Ironman, volume has been cut in half. It's almost boring. To past time, I do things we never do like washing the windows, washing the oven, washing the floor, etc. I keep doing naps because my body keeps asking for them. My head though can't wait to give it all on august 16th. I'm always visualizing parts of the race : the start, the transition, the hills on Duplessis, the hills on the run, the taking of a gel, etc. On my balcony, in my car, while watching a film, while reading the newspaper, it pops up anywhere, anytime.

Yesterday, I received the pro lists. I know from past races that at least a quarter of them won't show up, but it's still the longest list I'v seen so far. There are 28 men and 27 women. Among the women, legendary athletes : Sara Gross, Mary Beth Ellis, Liza Blatchford... women who have already proven they can complete an Ironman in 9 hours 15 minutes. Incredible ! But I don't care. This year, I do MY race. I won't compare to the others. I will follow my plan and if I finish in the top 10, awesome, but I'm aware the field is strong. The pro list is here.

What's my plan ? 

Swim quite fast.
Gain time in transitions.
Give almost everything on the bike.
Start slowly on the run and see what happens.
Eat and drink as planned.
Thank supporters and volunteers as often as possible.

Public goal : 9:59:59
Secret goal : Bet on it !

Many thanks for your daily encouragements and wish to see you all on August 16th !


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