Scotia Bank Half Marathon 2015

Photo from Pamela

It's 3 o'clock when I finally write these words. A call from mom gives me the energy to drink some chicken soup and, then, to write this race recap.

Honestly, my running is going well. In the past weeks, I did some crazy trainings at the end of which I was verifying the distance shown by my polar V800 on Google Maps because I couldn't believe it. Since January, my goal is to run today's half marathon under 1 hour 23 minutes, which is 2 minutes faster than my PB. I believed in my goal. Two weeks ago, I was sure I could make it. However, 10 days ago, I had a cold that hasn't left me. But, I still believed in my goal when I woke up this morning.

The start was at 10. The day is perfect : not too cold, not too hot, bright shiny sun and not too windy. Pamela is my PERSON today, the one who keeps me company until the start, helps with nervosity, cheers, etc. #BSCE

At the start line, I meet James and his friend, Eric, both wishing to run the same time as I. James is the one who invited me to race this half marathon. We've been cheering each other since January. Thanks James and congratulations !

At the gun, I leave James behind and get into a faster pace than anticipated. However, I know from experience that the two first kilometers are easy whatever the pace. You just have to make sure to get into yours at the right time. At kilometer 6, I can hear Pam cheering though I can't find her in the crowd.

Photo from Pamela

At kilometer 8, way earlier than expected, my body starts sending me unusual signs. My legs are heavy and my quads are tight. I worry a little, but my watch shows me I'm running on time. The wind starts to be a factor so I make sure to NEVER run on my own. I jump from one man to another. At the some point, Eric caught me and I'm so grateful for its help from kilometer 9 to 16.

From kilometer 9 to 10, my stomach is now having mix feelings. At kilometer 11, I have to force myself to take my gel. My stomach wishes otherwise, but my legs need it badly. It's a fail. My stomach ache gets worse and the legs aren't getting better. Knives are cutting through my quads at each step.

At kilometer 17 is when I lose it. I'm running 10 seconds slower than I should be. I have to concentrate on keeping those sphincter shut because all they want is to empty my intestines.

When there's no more than 2,5 kilometer to do, I see Pam and, even if I was not having much fun, I grin.

Photo from Pamela

The last two kilometers are terrible. I cross the line at 1:25:23, which is 11 seconds slower than my PB. I don't even have time to be disappointed because my only focus is to get to the restroom as fast as possible

Well, some days the body is unpredictable. It's always frustrating when it happens on one of those days you absolutely need him to collaborate. Anyway, I'm still convinced I can break 1 hour 23 minutes this year.

Thanks to all the volunteers and to all of you who cheers me, at the race or on the web. Next stage : triathlon sprint at Joliette.


5th woman
89th overall


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