Sprint Triahtlon ? Why not !

Photo du web magazine 10-21-42 km

Why not start smoothly my triathlon season with a sprint triathlon ? It's the best way to practice transitions and test the new equipment before the big races. To you, newbies, learn from the following mistakes.

Last week, I decided to fix my bike myself (mistake #1). So, 4 days before the race, I had to bring my bike to an unknown bike shop (mistake #2).

The day before the race, I try my bike for the first time ever (mistake #3). My aerobars are too low. "Anyone has a torx tool ?" I left mine at home (mistake #4) and this new bike has torx screws everywhere instead of hex screws... "Thanks, Michel". I fix the aerobars. Next, I try to shift gears, but it doesn't work. "Chuck? Can you take a look ?". Oh ! The wire is slack. This time, I need a hex tool to fix it. Finally, I go for a tense 45km bike ride. It takes some time to get used to the new fit.

Always the day before the race, I want to fix a bottle holder between my aerobars. I have nothing but tie wraps and electric tape (mistake #5). Luckily, the tape is black because it looks terrible. Then, I realize I forgot my racing wheels at home (mistake #6). Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I also forgot my speedometer (mistake #7). Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I also forgot elastics to fix my shoes to my frame (mistake #8).

It's the first time I'm doing the sprint triathlon at Joliette. I arrive 2 hours before start time, which is perfect ! I register, I set up my transition and I warm up. Then, I learn there's more than half an hour of delay. It's cold. The best thing to keep us warm is to put the wetsuit on. I tested the wetsuit for the first time the day before, again (mistake #9). Fifteen minutes prior to the start, there's the race meeting. I'm not listening (mistake #10). Thankfully, my friend Dom is there to tell me we have two loops on the bike and four on the run. As for the course, I tell myself I'll follow the volunteers (mistake #11). I realize I forgot my gel and my water bottle in the transition area (mistake #12). I ate 4 hours ago. Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon.

 Dominique et moi, photo de Dom

About time we jump in the water. The water is warmer and I have to... figure it out ! On the gun shot, I'm somewhere in the middle and I can see a girl swimming quite fast far on my right. I make a 90 degrees spin to join her feet. We are in the lead coming out of the water.

Transitions have always been one of my strength so I easily jump on my bike first. The mount line was at the bottom of a short slope and since I had not try to jump on my bike before I was a little bit scared.  Therefore, I ran to the top of the slope before I jumped (mistake #13). I laughed at myself ! No more than 20 meters later, I lose my only drinking bottle (mistake #14). No water. I do the maths : I haven't eaten for the past 5 hours, I drank 2 coffees and approximately 400ml of water since last night, I'm doing 1 hour of intensity right now... Gracefully, it's cold. Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I'll be fine.

My hemet, which I'm wearing for the first time (mistake #15) is not fitting right. My pony tail is in the way. Anyway, I give all I've got on the bike. I'm confident I can run quite fast no matter how hard I push on the bike. The thing is "pushing hard on the bike" is not my thing. Annie-Claude Gaudet catch me up.

Photo du web magazine 10-21-42km

I evaluate my lost on Gaudet around 10 seconds coming into transition, but we start the run at the same time. I'm telling you, practice transitions, it's worth it !

Trying to show everything's perfect, photo de Charles Perreault

I have such a good feeling on the run. Legs are running freely. I'm looking at running the fastest 5km. By the time I start the second lap, I have at least 10 seconds on Gaudet. It should be over. Nop ! Nasty cramps are on. My diaphragm is the problem. I can't breathe properly and it hurts badly. I have to stop. Gaudet pass by. I'm frustrated, but there's really not much I can do. I rub it. I'm trying to reduce the pain. Once it's bearable enough to start running again, I take off with one hand always pressing the diaphragm. I'm not running fast, but I'm running. I finish 2nd women and 28th overall.

Diaphragm cramp, photo de Charles Perreault

A few hours later, I do the super sprint with fellow triathletes from Rouge et Or. Two girls and two boys have to complete one after the other 250m swim, 5km bike and 1,25km run. So much fun !

What have we learnt ? Always do a race in the beginning of the season to make all the mistakes you don't want to repeat at your main race. And... even experienced athletes keep on doing a lot of mistakes ;)


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