Sprint Triahtlon ? Why not !
Photo du web magazine 10-21-42 km
Last week, I decided to fix my bike myself (mistake #1). So, 4 days before the race, I had to bring my bike to an unknown bike shop (mistake #2).
The day before the race, I try my bike for the first time ever (mistake #3). My aerobars are too low. "Anyone has a torx tool ?" I left mine at home (mistake #4) and this new bike has torx screws everywhere instead of hex screws... "Thanks, Michel". I fix the aerobars. Next, I try to shift gears, but it doesn't work. "Chuck? Can you take a look ?". Oh ! The wire is slack. This time, I need a hex tool to fix it. Finally, I go for a tense 45km bike ride. It takes some time to get used to the new fit.
Always the day before the race, I want to fix a bottle holder between my aerobars. I have nothing but tie wraps and electric tape (mistake #5). Luckily, the tape is black because it looks terrible. Then, I realize I forgot my racing wheels at home (mistake #6). Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I also forgot my speedometer (mistake #7). Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I also forgot elastics to fix my shoes to my frame (mistake #8).
It's the first time I'm doing the sprint triathlon at Joliette. I arrive 2 hours before start time, which is perfect ! I register, I set up my transition and I warm up. Then, I learn there's more than half an hour of delay. It's cold. The best thing to keep us warm is to put the wetsuit on. I tested the wetsuit for the first time the day before, again (mistake #9). Fifteen minutes prior to the start, there's the race meeting. I'm not listening (mistake #10). Thankfully, my friend Dom is there to tell me we have two loops on the bike and four on the run. As for the course, I tell myself I'll follow the volunteers (mistake #11). I realize I forgot my gel and my water bottle in the transition area (mistake #12). I ate 4 hours ago. Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon.
Dominique et moi, photo de Dom
About time we jump in the water. The water is warmer and I have to... figure it out ! On the gun shot, I'm somewhere in the middle and I can see a girl swimming quite fast far on my right. I make a 90 degrees spin to join her feet. We are in the lead coming out of the water.
Transitions have always been one of my strength so I easily jump on my bike first. The mount line was at the bottom of a short slope and since I had not try to jump on my bike before I was a little bit scared. Therefore, I ran to the top of the slope before I jumped (mistake #13). I laughed at myself ! No more than 20 meters later, I lose my only drinking bottle (mistake #14). No water. I do the maths : I haven't eaten for the past 5 hours, I drank 2 coffees and approximately 400ml of water since last night, I'm doing 1 hour of intensity right now... Gracefully, it's cold. Ah well, it's just a sprint triathlon. I'll be fine.
My hemet, which I'm wearing for the first time (mistake #15) is not fitting right. My pony tail is in the way. Anyway, I give all I've got on the bike. I'm confident I can run quite fast no matter how hard I push on the bike. The thing is "pushing hard on the bike" is not my thing. Annie-Claude Gaudet catch me up.
Photo du web magazine 10-21-42km
Trying to show everything's perfect, photo de Charles Perreault
Diaphragm cramp, photo de Charles Perreault
What have we learnt ? Always do a race in the beginning of the season to make all the mistakes you don't want to repeat at your main race. And... even experienced athletes keep on doing a lot of mistakes ;)
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