Bring It On !

Year 2016 is far gone. It wasn't the end of it that my aim was already on 2017 and the next four years.

Teaching is quite flexible. We have holidays and we have short days sometimes. However, it's exhausting. This year, every day I have a class with the 14 years old, it feels like I ran a half-marathon. And in about 4 months, I got a sinusitis, an unbeatable cold and a gastroenteritis. Top shape, really !

In Cozumel, after my unfinished race, I lay down on the beach, both feet in the sand, the Mexican sun burning and I thought...

I'm 28 years old with one broken tooth and an old back, but still full of potential. I'm strong enough for both the swim and the run, but I'm way behind when it comes to the bike. If I could cut down 20 minutes on the bike, I would be less than 5% behind the winner. If I cut down another 10 on the bike and a 10 elsewhere, I'm up for Kona. I think this is possible with a better training environment.

If I do nothing and keep doing what I do now, it's impossible.

Therefore, I have two options. First, I keep teaching full time and I forget my Kona dream as a pro. Second, I put all my effort into training full time.

I made my choice : I want to fulfill my dream !


I will try for maximum 4 years. After those 4 years, I give up, get rid of my triathlon bike, build a family, do trail running and become a crazy teacher.

What an adventure ahead !

You, are you ready to live my dream with me ?



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