It Was Worth Getting a Raccoon

I’m in Montreal, in transit between Florida and my final destination, Quebec city. By the way, what a waste of time to wait 4 hours at Montreal airport when it would have taken me half the time to get to Quebec city by car. Just saying. I have the blues I already miss the athlete’s type of life I was living in the past three weeks : sleep, eat, train, eat, watch a film, train, eat, play Beans, snack, sleep. Repeat 21 times minus two light days. Actually, I had some homework and administrative works for the triathlon club to do, but not enough to mention really. I miss to ride on dry roads, to swim outside and to wear short clothes. Short wrap up 21 days in Clermont 40h of biking, 1175km 18h of running, 230km 21h of swimming, 65km (approximately, because we often swam in yards) Best running moment : 4x2000m on track in 7:27 with 3:30 recovery Best swimming moment : Long course, 3 times the following set: 200m AO en 2:35/4min + 1...