First Half of our Training Camp

 Meeting the turtle, I was a bit nervous

More than a week done and I'm feeling stronger than ever !

We were a little worried at the beginning because of the cold weather. The first days, we were going to the pool with all the warmer clothes we had brought and still couldn't get warm enough. Luckily, the NTC pool is heated... when it's not too windy. The thing is, it was too windy so they couldn't leave the pool tarp during the night. Some ended up wearing their wetsuit and we weren't taken much break between the sets. However, since friday, the hot Florida sun is back and our tan is getting better.

Running at the NTC track
I have to say, after our two first group bike rides, I was desperate. I was wondering how I would get through this training camp with my old and heavy bike. I should have brought my TT bike. In addition to my bike problems, I had trouble with my injuries to the right foot and to the right IT Band. Sincerely, I was asking myself why I was here. A few tears later, I went for a 70km bike ride on my own and I finally found the energy and the motivation to overcome these obstacles.

 The number one fan club of all Rouge et Or athletes at Clermont Panam

Since then, I'm back on track. I put up with every training smiling. I like to do the tempo rides on my own, but Camille is a good partner when it comes down to spinning the legs. I manage to complete every run planned despite my injuries. For instance, once, we had to run an hour in the morning and 45min in the afternoon and, instead, I did 45min in the morning, 30min before lunch and another 30min before dinner because my IT Band hurts after 45min or so.

Tomorrow, it's our first day off and we might go to Disney World. We'll see... 

Here is a short video of our first week. Thanks to Pamela !

To be followed...


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