Teacher full time, athlete part time… priorities have changed!

I’ve laughed about priorities during my studies. For I, a Rouge et Or student-athlete, priority number one was training. “If studies aren’t good for your training, give up studying”, is what I used to say pleasantly. In fact, I was mostly serious. How many courses have I missed because of a clue swimming session or a training camp? Working was my second priority simply because without it I couldn’t train and training was the most important thing… You get it! Finally, studying came in third on my priority list. It’s probably not where you expect students to put it. However, understand this, it may have been a little bit less important than training or work, but it was clearly more important than drinking, smoking or wasting time all day long.

Today, it’s different. Priorities have changed : work first, then train. For the past two months, I’ve been teaching to four secondary high school groups. Since I’m such a beginner, I need to give 110% of myself from 8:30 to 5pm from Monday to Friday. I train every day to become a better teacher. Teaching is clearly a team sport. You need passion, communication, expertise, talent, energy, strategies, knowledge and, MOSTLY, pleasure. I like my job, really. When I have one of those days where I would tackle my students, I remember my goal  : " It's the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge" (Albert Einstein). 

I have already so many school stories to tell that I would need to write them in a book, not on a blog. 

In between, I haven't forgotten my wannabe professional triathletes goal. My races calendar hasn't changed. My coaches, Charles Perreault and Pierre-Yves Gigou, are still supporting me and so are my sponsors Garneau, Merrell, Polar and Tyr. My friends cheer me up. However the weather is not motivating these days. Stupid Quebec's winter ! I'm so sick of it. 

Annie Gervais and Isabelle Gagnon, both idols of mine, know how to train as professionals while having a full time job and a family. I don't have a family to care about, but I have two graduate courses and a triathlon to organize. I can do this. That's confidence. Confidence leads to success. I actually read about it in one of my courses. 

Follow Triathlon du Lac-Delage HERE.

Follow Team Merrell-Garneau HERE.

Until Spring, keep up skiing ! 



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